About the Department of Applied Mathematics
The curriculum for mathematics at the University of Science and Technology of Mazandaran consists of two branches of pure mathematics and applied mathematics. The average length of a bachelor's degree is four years and its curriculum is scheduled for 8 semesters. The objectives of the applied mathematics bachelor's degree course in this university are as follows:
Applied Mathematics: The purpose of this training is to provide multiMathematics Applieddisciplinary experts with a sufficient amount of mathematical knowledge capable of quantitative analysis of economic and planning issues, as well as the ability to pursue higher education and transfer of applied mathematical knowledge at all levels of the university.
Applied Mathematics Baccalaureate
According to the decisions of the High Council for Planning, the Ministry of Science and Technology has 137 curricula for the applied mathematical branch. The average length of the undergraduate course is 4 years and the curriculum for 8 semesters is presented as follows. General lessons 22 units Basic, Essential and Specialized Lessons 61 Units 39 specialized courses for Applied Mathematical Applications Optional courses are for both 15 units of course, which students of Applied and Applied Mathematics can choose from each other's orientations or the main lessons of the Faculty of Industry or the Faculty of Computer.
Master's degree in Applied Mathematics
A master's degree in mathematics with two numerical analyzes and research in operations aimed at training professionals who can master the mathematical sciences and techniques taught in this field, with the necessary scientific and practical skills necessary to study in this field. The maximum length of education for this course is 2 years, which includes the time required to complete the thesis. The total number of specialized units for completing studies is 32 units, which are presented in each of the two tendencies. The number of mandatory units of 12 units, the number of optional and specialized units of 12 units, passing 2 semester units and passing 6 units of thesis are required.
Ph.D. Applied Mathematics
The goal of the Ph.D. in Physics is to train faculty members for universities, who are fully integrated with advanced methods of research, mastering one or more mathematical subjects, able to understand the scientific problems of society, and to provide them with the appropriate mathematical models to solve them. . The innovation and expansion of the boundaries of mathematical knowledge in this period is of particular importance. The doctorate in mathematics is divided into two educational and research phases. The goal of the educational process is to bridge the academic knowledge gap of students by taking some advanced mathematical lessons. At the research stage, which begins after graduation and the passing of comprehensive exams, the aim is to acquaint students with research methods and acquire the ability to do so in one or more mathematical fields that lead to discoveries in mathematics. The result of this period is the compilation of a thesis which ends with defense of that period. The maximum term of a PhD in mathematics is 4 years.
All PhD courses are 4 units. For each course unit in the PhD program, each semester has 16 weeks of classical education. The student is required to spend at least 4 hours of study, discussion and analysis per hour. Take that lesson. The total number of syllabuses and theses is 36 units, with a minimum of 14, or a maximum of 18 credits, and the number of the dissertation is 18 to 22.